Thursday, 30 June 2011
Anglers Complete Tackle
Once upon a time in Arcadia and even on a Thursday some old fishing tackle shops on the outskirts of the City such as Anglers Complete Tackle of Sydenham Road, (tel. Syd. 4860) would offer their customers 'credit'. Today in Arcadia such concepts are frowned upon, especially on a Thursday, where if you visit my stall at Spitalfields Market you will find me selling fine examples of Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul and offering 'arrangements' under pressing circumstances where credit might once have been sought. That said I do share Mr. A.C Thomas' passion for Efgeeco and his pledge 'Sorry, We don't sell Prams'.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Patented British Fishing Reels for the Soul
Found in a box of tackle at Kempton yesterday an S.E. Cooke & Co. 'Duracast' General Purpose Reel, a Patented British Fishing Reel for the Soul dating to the year immediately Post-War, and generally known as 1946. In that year should you have wished to have purchased a 'Duracast' you could have telephoned Edgware 4883 where you would have been told in clipped tones the '6 reasons why you should purchase a Duracast'. In the year 2011 should you wish to purchase one you may telephone me on Arcadia 274 383 where in monotone I will give you one good reason why you should purchase a 'Duracast'. It is good for the soul.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Purchased at Kempton from a gentleman dealer friend a Golden Jubilee Anglers Catalogue and Guide for Lee of Pershore from the year dating 1964 which includes amongst its pages a plethora of 'protective clothing' to be worn in the event of inclement weather. As I pondered whether "Lee" Plastic Vinyl Clothing would do the job in the impending thunderstorm brewing over the Heath I received a phone call from another gentleman dealer friend who lives in the West Midlands town that goes by the name of Walsall. Whilst on the subject of appropriate rainwear and other items he told me that he wasn't buying much at the moment as he was saving up for a Japanese Suit of Armour.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Lost Tackle Retrieval
For all those with lost tackle in need of retrieval the 'Otter' of choice in Arcadia is the Hardy 'Giffard Smith' an immaculately crafted piece of Post-War British Fishing Tackle for the Soul originally sold in the summer of 1951 from the Hardy's showrooms at no. 61 Pall Mall in the District of London known as 'Up West'.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Once upon a time in Arcadia upon an estate lake surrounded by a dense wood whose green light reflected every shade of Efgeeco ladies and gentlemen would spend the last Sunday of June fishing for tench.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Lost in Type
Found on the doormat yesterday morning a parcel containing the proof for my Port Eliot double crown poster advertising The World of Andrews of Arcadia. A most delightful hour was then spent on the telephone to the poster's creator, Mr. Martin Clark of the Parish of Letterpress, discussing one of the typefaces he is using on the poster which dates back to Anno Domini 1853 and which he tells me was in use prior to the advent of the point system.
Friday, 24 June 2011
A gloriously riotous day at Spitalfields Market yesterday where amid the tidal wave of new season tea a gentleman artist from the district of London close to the one known as Alexandra Palace brought in a lost tackle box of Jack Clayton Fenland Floats which he bought from Clayton himself in the decade often referred to as the Sixties. The floats which include some of Clayton's famous names, the 'Straw-Tip', the 'Fenland Wyndjammer' and the 'Stret-Cocker' speak of a time when championship anglers made floats from cork, balsa and crow quill and sold them in their own tackle shops.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
E. Eggington & Sons
Once Upon a Time in Arcadia and especially on a Thursday when the Underground Northern Line was working ladies and gentlemen with a desire to look at some Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul could travel to the district known as Merton and visit E. Eggington & Sons, whose telephone number was Liberty 3190. Eggington's were makers of some fine roach fishing rods and supplied the rod used by the late Bill Penney for his capture of the World's Record Brace of Roach from Lambeth Reservoir.
Sadly, Eggingtons' is no more and should you make it to the end of the Northern Line you will find this out for yourself. However, you are welcome to take the Central Line to Liverpool Street on a Thursday where after a short walk along Brushfield Street you will find me selling Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul at Spitalfields Market. You are welcome to telephone me in advance on Arcadia 274 383 or simply turn up where you may find me in conversation with any number of the old great Roach anglers of East London, many of whom remember the great Bill Penney and are never short of a tale or two.
Sadly, Eggingtons' is no more and should you make it to the end of the Northern Line you will find this out for yourself. However, you are welcome to take the Central Line to Liverpool Street on a Thursday where after a short walk along Brushfield Street you will find me selling Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul at Spitalfields Market. You are welcome to telephone me in advance on Arcadia 274 383 or simply turn up where you may find me in conversation with any number of the old great Roach anglers of East London, many of whom remember the great Bill Penney and are never short of a tale or two.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Hardy Elarex
Found amongst a collection of three generations of Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul on a recent Tuesday in the district of Arcadia known as South London, a Hardy Elarex now residing for your pleasure on my website at Under the Counter, Madam.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Ursula Uptown
Found whilst out searching for items of Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul a 1974 Barbour Gamefair, held together with staples and Deer Fat. Made in England in the year that the Duke of Edinburgh awarded his Royal Warrant to the company. I rejoice every time I find an old Barbour and hope that one day Uptown I may meet an Ursula Suit, standard issue to every submariner in Arcadia.

Monday, 20 June 2011
Allcock Aerialite
Found at Kempton last week a 1930's Allcock Aerialite in its original packaging and box. Had you wished to purchase this reel back when it was made you would have only have been able to do so via your dealer as Allcocks did not receive callers at the Standard Works, their giant factory complex in Redditch. Should you wish to purchase it now you may do so by going to the box marked Just in, Sir on my website.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Space Rocket to Planet Efgeeco
In Arcadia many ladies and gentlemen are busy building a planet made entirely from Efgeeco Canvas. A world that will be held together by brass Newey press studs and a bucketful of hope. When it is built they will be waved off in a space rocket made of the same material. Such are the dreams of ordinary Arcadians. To feel similarly inspired you are invited to look at the gallery of Old Friends where some recent Efgeeco finds not made from canvas have been listed for your pleasure.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
In Arcadia it is still raining heralding an impromptu lie-in followed by the search for my hoard of Steade-Fast fishing umbrellas in the lock-up rather than a trip to Wimbledon Car Boot Sale.
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