Thursday, 25 October 2012

Benwoods of Church Street NW8

Once upon a time in Arcadia and not just on a Thursday, ladies and gentlemen loitering abroad in the district of London known as the NW's would have been able to call in at Benwoods at 64 Church Street off the Edgware Road.  There, they would have been able to have handled the latest pike rod and also order the largest match maggot available at that time in London.  There are no confirmed reports of how big Benwoods' gozzers grew but they were not a company prone to exaggeration.  They also stayed open until 7pm on Friday for the convenience of late anglers.

Should you be a lady or a gentleman loitering abroad in the district of London known as the NW's you may well ask yourself what you are doing and pull yourself together and take the London Underground Railway without delay to Liverpool Street Station where after a short walk and on Thursdays only you will find my stall at Spitalfields Antiques Market where I sell Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul including the latest old fashioned futurist pike rods.  I cannot promise you large maggots but for the convenience of late anglers I sometimes stay open until 3.30pm.  Thank-you.