Once upon a time in Arcadia in the years immediately Post-War, ladies and gentlemen abroad on the streets of London and in search of that which was known as 'Marvella Fishing Tackle' would travel east to Quebec Wharf on the Kingsland Road in the district of London known as E.8. There, they could talk to Frank and Robert the manufacturers and exporters of Marvella Fishing Tackle about the pros and cons of the 'Riverman' Pike Rod, the 'Mercedes' Salmon Spinning Rod or the 'Herna' Whole Cane Sea Rod.
Today in this the Year of Our Lord and Other Seasons Ends 2014 if you are a lady or a gentlemen abroad on the streets of London and in search of what is known as Marvellous Fishing Tackle you are advised to visit me at my stall in Spitalfields Antiques Market on Commercial Street in the district of London known as E.1. where every Thursday between the hours of 8am and 3pm I sell Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul. You might even see Gilbert and George who are market regulars. Buses leave Kingsland Road for the market every ten minutes throughout the day. Thank-you.