Monday 15 September 2014

The Days When We Were So Happy And Did Not Know It

From the Scarborough Evening News - August 7th 1935:
Five More Tunny Landed

Capt. Fuller of Marlborough in Wiltshire went out in the yacht Fair Lady II on Sunday evening and returned to report he had hooked six tunny all of which had made their escape.  In addition to the loss of the fish Capt. Fuller lost a thousand yards of line and all his tackle.

The first fish took the hook but disappeared under the trawler - the second repeated this whilst the third swam along the bottom of the sea at a tremendous pace with the boatman struggling to row in the opposite direction.  Capt. Fuller did not bring a tunny back but brought a shark.   He says the sharks are so plentiful in the area that they are spoiling the sport of tunny-fishing.  He also reports an amusing incident connected with the capture of the shark..... SHARK SNAPS AT LEG.  Maj. Tilney was helping in the task of dragging the shark into the boat and was endeavouring to kill it with a hammer when the shark snapped at his leg and bit a piece of his trousers!'

From the Scarborough Evening News - August 19th 1935:

'730lb Tunny
Schoolboy's Catch off Scarboro'

The largest tunny of the season - a 730lb fish was caught by an eighteen year old boy (Eton) at the weekend.  A.S.W. Prioleau - fishing from Capt. Fuller's yacht FAIR LADY.  The rod snapped and the boat was towed by the beast during the fight which last 25 minutes.'

From the Scarborough Evening News - August 20th 1935:

'Six Fish Landed This Morning

Six more tunny were landed at Scarborough this morning.  The heaviest which scaled 635lbs was hooked by Mr. L.W. Parker of Penrith.  The Hon. Mrs. Hermon Hodge of Perth recorded the first success with a tunny which tipped the scales at 691lbs.  These anglers are on the FAIR LADY II as guests of Capt. Fuller.'

From the Scarborough Evening News - September 17th 1935:

Terrific Gales Sweeps London - Sleepless Night for Thousands
100mph winds


On Thursday night last after a most convivial day on the stall the collective known as The Wild Geese met Uptown to attend the Private View of 'The Tunny Club Exhibition' at 14 Old Bond Street.  The exhibition is organised by Tim Wace the great-grandson of the aforementioned Captain Fuller and his good friend Jamie Foale who has used a gilded technique on prints belonging to the Fuller family archive to produce the works that make up the exhibition.  In the photographs below of some of the exhibits - taken roughly on the Field Telephone -  Capt. Fuller is the gentleman sitting in the cane chair to the right and A.S.W 'Jim' Prioleau is the young lad sitting between Vickey Hare and Sybil Hermon Hodge to the left.  Jim Prioleau progressed from landing tunny to flying for 90 Air Squadron during the war.  He was shot down off Klint in Denmark on 20th April 1943 at the age of just 26.

'The Tunny Club' Exhibition runs until 22nd September.  All enquiries to telephone number 07799 474484