Once upon a time in Arcadia, often twice a day, and not just on Thursdays, ladies and gentlemen would receive fishing tackle by post. Those ordering from Forrest & Sons of Kelso-on-Tweed would be the glad recipients of a printed envelope complete with the image of a gut cast and flies on the back. Oh, how His Majesty smiled upon the stamp at such style.
Nowadays in Arcadia it is still fashionable in some quarters for ladies and gentlemen to order their tackle by post but on Thursdays it is also most fashionable for them to buy in person at my stall behind which I stand dutifully in Spitalfields Antiques Market in Commercial Street in the district of London known as E1 between the hours of 8am and 3pm and at which there is always a wealth of Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul on offer. Printed envelopes may also soon be available upon request. Good morning!