Monday 9 January 2012
Lost Inside the Efgeeco Factory
On Saturday evening I found myself on the telephone to a Mr. Harry Notley who worked at Efgeeco between 1962 and 1964 and later fished for Arding and Hobbs with John Richardson. During our conversation Harry walked me through the old Efgeeco Works on Balham Hill, 'the first room was full of women making the old dog beds, maybe ten or twelve of them, in the next were the engineers who numbered about 15 or 20 and in the last room the packers, up to 4 people working flat out. Fred and John Goddard worked in the main house along with Fred J. Taylor. I always wanted to ask him to take me fishing. He was my hero, but I was too shy to ask. Bert was the foreman, always dressed in grey overalls and a green beret. He was an absolute gent.'