Saturday 30 June 2012

Wimbledon Car Boot Sale

Found early this morning at Wimbledon Car Boot Sale a photograph album dating from the 1920's until the Post-War Years, chronicling the fluctuating fortunes of one family.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Downton's for Keep-nets

Once Upon a Time in Arcadia, and especially on a Thursday, ladies and gentlemen would go to Downton's for Keep-Nets.  In this year of Arcadia 2012, ladies and gentlemen are not apt to use keep-nets, as they return their catches immediately, even on a Thursday, but should you require such arcane artefacts you may visit me at my stall in Spitalfields Antiques Market where on Thursdays only between the hours of 8am until approximately 3pm I sell all matter of  Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul.  Today the market is under occupation so you will find the stalls set up in the open air on adjacent Lamb Street.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

A Letterpress Poster for Port Eliot

Across all of Arcadia and most of all in the Postal District of London North 6, cellars and pantries are being emptied as dusty bottles of light ale are being downed in one from the neck and tea is being drunk in a trawlerman style with abandon and excitement as cats and dogs are awoken from their slumber to witness the opening of the brown paper parcel from Tilley Printing.  Inside, the smell of ink reveals the run of Letterpress Posters for Port Eliot, masterfully created and laboured over with love by the artist printer Martin Clark, advertising all the delights that will be going on in and around The White Tent of The World of Andrews of Arcadia under the oak tree in the Caught by the River Field at Port Eliot Festival.   To re-fill the cellar and the pantry there will be a very  limited number of the posters for sale at Port Eliot.  Please call me on field telephone 07980 274 383 if you are interested in buying one. Thank-you.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


A muggy morning under a mackerel sky at Kempton with a good haul of Efgeeco, some priceless cardboard boxes heralding from Regent Street and a number of books that should be judged by their covers.

Monday 25 June 2012


A lively day at Spitalfields last Thursday as many an intrepid traveller made their way to the district known as E1.  Found at first knockings and bought from a gentleman dealer with a great eye a pair of guides to opening weeks past and future.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Stockbridge Pond

Back late last night after a day getting lost with my good friend Mr. Barrett amid squally showers at Stockbridge Pond.  A moment to pause beforehand at the memorial to Alan Peach and a moment to reflect afterwards and raise a glass of Hogs Back T.E.A behind The Barley Mow to the glory of midsummer light.  In between we caught a basket of goer roach and Jeff took some crucians of ancient descent.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Woodfields of Christchurch

Once upon a time in Arcadia, upon a Thursday in the first week of the new fishing season, ladies and gentlemen would take the London to Bournemouth train and stop off at Christchurch ready to fish with the ghost of Wallis and others on the banks of the Hampshire Avon.  Once there, and having refreshed themselves with ale they would call in at Woodfields Tackle where for a small price one could obtain 'Happy Fishing'.

In this the first week of the new fishing season should you wish to obtain some 'Happy Fishing' it is recommended that you visit me at my stall in Spitalfields Antiques Market on Commercial Street in the district of London E1 where between the hours of 8am and 3pm I sell Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul and talk incessantly over endless cups of tea about the ghost of Wallis and others.   Your good company is most welcome and afterwards you may refresh yourself with ale in the nearby Golden Heart.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Port Eliot Proof

It is only one calendar month before The World of Andrews of Arcadia White Tent of Words, Archive Slide and Silent Angling Film opens at this year's Port Eliot Festival.  And today trumpets are sounded, beacons are lit and dogs bark with abandon for this morning saw delivery of the fantastic and splendid proof for the Letterpress Poster for Port Eliot from the artist Martin Clark at Tilley Printing.  Duly approved his famous old presses in Ledbury are now rolling, and the finished article with the addition of the colour red should arrive by the end of next week.

Monday 18 June 2012

Lost Pilot

Found yesterday morning at the hour impossible the effects of a lost Dakota pilot at a Car Boot Sale somewhere Beyond the Outskirts of Pandemonium a number of flags Made in Reading by Carter and Son.  Wrapped up in one of them were the pilot's shoes - Arcadia issue Veldtschoen.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Cats and Dogs in Arcadia

Cats and Dogs in Arcadia continued to celebrate the opening of the coarse fishing season yesterday  within the pages of a family's photograph album bought at vast expense from a house clearance gentleman at Wimbledon Car Boot Sale.  The family were of a generous nature even allowing their young child to share their dog's perambulator.