Thursday 21 February 2013

Richard Forshaw - Palace Warehouses, Marsh Lane, Bootle, Liverpool 20

Once upon a time in Arcadia, most probably on a Baltic Thursday, ladies and gentleman in urgent need of a packet of Rubber Float Caps with which to attach their porcupine or peacock quill floats to gut might chivvy their local tackle dealer to order a packet from Forshaws in Liverpool.  There, in the aptly named Palace Warehouses packets of Rubber Float Caps and other Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul was busily packed into crates and sent around the Empire.

Should you be a lady or a gentleman in need of a packet of Rubber Float Caps or indeed in need of any other kind of angling accessory or acoutrement known widely as Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul you are advised that you may chivvy me at my stall in Spitalfields where on Thursdays between 8am and 3pm  I stand in memory of all those who packed at Palace Warehouses for Richard Forshaw.  Thank-you.