Thursday, 26 May 2011

Holbrow & Co

Once upon a time in Arcadia and almost certainly on a Thursday, well heeled ladies and gentlemen would have called upon Holbrow & Co. at No. 40 Duke Street in the district of London known as St. James.  There they would have been able to avail themselves of all sorts of 'First-Class' tackle and in particular some of a distinctly Victorian nature. Sadly, if you walk down Duke Street today Holbrow & Co. is but a memory.  To keep that memory alive and currently to see some 'First Class' tackle of a distinctly Victorian nature I suggest that you take the Underground Train in the direction of Liverpool Street and visit me on a Thursday at my stall in Spitalfields Market, where under the guise of selling Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul I spend my day talking about fishing and drinking tea with many a well heeled lady and gentleman.