Monday, 12 May 2014

The National Vintage Fishing Tackle Fair - Sunday 9th November 2014

A heartfelt thank-you to our patient and hardworking hosts at Kingsley Sports Centre, to Mr & Mrs Samuel Guyatt and their wondrous Tea Van and to all those who travelled the spring highway to stall out and visit yesterday's National Vintage Fishing Tackle Fair in Redditch.  Your presence, well into the hundreds, made the day a thoroughly enjoyable riot of old tackle, renewed friendships, sweet tea and black pudding sandwiches.  I trust that you all left with pockets empty or full depending upon which side of the cloth you were standing and that we will be seeing you all again not so very far away in November.  Godspeed until then and should you wish to enquire about renting a stall or want to request a handbill to post up on your local noticeboard please don't hesitate to call me on Field Telephone Number 07980 274 383.